Cisco 2020 Certification Program Changes & Migration

The Cisco 2020 Certification changes are live effective February 24, 2020.

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Cisco Certification Program Effective February 24, 2020

 EnterpriseSecurityService ProviderCollaborationData CenterDevNet
CCNACisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
200-301 CCNA (One exam covers the fundamental topics for all network technologies.)
DevNet Associate
DEVASC 200-901
SpecialistCisco Certified Specialist
Specialist certifications will be awarded for passing any written, proctored exam, with the exception of associate level exams.
DevNet Specialist
Any DevNet concentration exam
CCNP CCNP Enterprise
350-401 ENCOR
concentration exam
CCNP Security
350-701 SCOR
concentration exam
CCNP Service Provider
350-501 SPCOR
 concentration exam
CCNP Collaboration
350-801 CLCOR
 concentration exam
CCNP Data Center
350-601 DCCOR 
 concentration exam
DevNet Professional
350-901 DEVCOR
 concentration exam
CCIECCIE Enterprise Infrastructure
350-401 ENCOR
 Infrastructure Lab
CCIE Enterprise Wireless
350-401 ENCOR
 Wireless Lab
CCIE Security
350-701 SCOR
 Security Lab
CCIE Service Provider
350-501 SPCOR
 Service Provider Lab
CCIE Collaboration
350-801 CLCOR
 Collaboration Lab
CCIE Data Center
350-601 DCCOR
 Data Center Lab

Cisco has not announced details.
To achieve your CCNP level certification, you must pass the required core exam plus a concentration exam within the same technology track.
CCNP Concentration Exams
CCNP EnterpriseCCNP SecurityCCNP Service ProviderCCNP CollaborationCCNP Data CenterDevNet Professional
300-410 ENARSI300-710 SNCF300-510 SPRI300-810 CLICA300-610 DCID300-435 ENAUTO
300-415 ENSDWI300-715 SISE300-515 SPVI300-815 CLACCM300-615 DCIT300-835 CLAUTO
300-420 ENSLD300-720 SESA300-535 SPAUTO300-820 CLCEI300-620 DCACI300-635 DCAUTO
300-425 ENWLSD300-725 SWSA
300-835 CLAUTO300-625 DCSAN300-535 SPAUTO
300-430 ENWLSI300-730 SVPN

300-635 DCAUTO300-735 SAUTO
300-435 ENAUTO300-735 SAUTO

300-910 DEVOPS

300-915 DEVIOT

300-920 DEVWBX

Migration to the new Cisco Certification Program

CCNA Migration
Complete any of the following certifications before 2/24/2020Certification Earned on 2/24/20
CCNA Cloud
CCNA Collaboration
CCNA Data Center
CCNA Industrial
CCNA Routing and Switching
CCNA Security
CCNA Service Provider
CCNA Wireless
New CCNA certification and a training badge in the corresponding technology area.
CCNP Routing & Switching Migration
Passed before 2/24/20Certifications Earned on 2/24/20To Earn the New CCNP Enterprise
ROUTE + SWITCH + TSHOOTCurrent CCNP, New CCNP and Advanced Implementation SpecializationNothing
ROUTENone Core Exam + 1 Elective Exam
SWITCHNone Core Exam + 1 Elective Exam
TSHOOTEnterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation Specialist Core Exam
ROUTE + SWITCHCisco Certified Specialist-Enterprise Core 1 Elective Exam
ROUTE + TSHOOTEnterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation Specialist Core Exam
SWITCH + TSHOOTEnterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation Specialist Core Exam

Boson’s Upgrade Policy

If I bought a Boson product after Cisco's announcement of certification changes (June 2019), do I get a free upgrade when the new exams are released?
Qualifying purchases will be entitled to receive a free upgrade to the related product(s) when those become available. See Boson’s Upgrade Policy for the Cisco 2020 Certification Update for details.


What happens to my existing certification with the new program?
For CCNA, Specialist and CCNP: Your current certification is still valid and will be active until it's expiration date. With the new program, your current certification will be transitioned to an equivalent. For CCIE: If you are an active CCIE, your suspended year will be converted to an active year. For example, if your active CCIE would have been suspended beginning April 21, 2020, you will sustain active status until April 21, 2021.