CompTIA > Security+ > Security+ Training
Exam Number Exam Name Certification
SY0-701 CompTIA Security+ Security+

Security+ Training

Security+ Training

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Security+ Training

The five-day Security+ Certification Prep Course teaches the knowledge and skills required to assess the security posture of an enterprise environment and recommend and implement appropriate security solutions; monitor and secure hybrid environments, including cloud, mobile, and IoT; operate with an awareness of applicable laws and policies, including principles of governance, risk, and compliance; identify, analyze, and respond to security events and incidents. This course prepares you for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam (SY0-701).

What's Included

  • Official courseware
  • Boson ExSim-Max for CompTIA SY0-701
  • Exam Voucher


CompTIA Network+ and two years of experience working in a security/systems administrator job role.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Proactively implement sound security protocols to mitigate security risks
  • Quickly respond to security issues
  • Retroactively identify where security breaches may have occurred
  • Design a network, on-site or in the cloud, with security in mind

Course Outline

Module 1: Summarize

  • Lesson 1: Security Concepts
  • Lesson 2: Security Controls

Module 2: Compare Threat Types

  • Lesson 1: Threat Actors
  • Lesson 2: Attack Surfaces
  • Lesson 3: Social Engineering

Module 3: Explain Cryptographic Solutions

  • Lesson 1: Cryptographic Algorithms
  • Lesson 2: Public Key Infrastructure
  • Lesson 3: Cryptographic Solutions

Module 4: Implement Identity and Access Management

  • Lesson 1: Authentication
  • Lesson 2: Authorization
  • Lesson 3: Identity Management

Module 5: Secure Enterprise Network Architecture

  • Lesson 1: Enterprise Network Architecture
  • Lesson 2: Network Security Appliances
  • Lesson 3: Secure Communications

Module 6: Secure Cloud Network Architecture

  • Lesson 1: Cloud Infrastructure
  • Lesson 2: Embedded Systems and Zero Trust Architecture

Module 7: Explain Resiliency and Site Security Concepts

  • Lesson 1: Asset Management
  • Lesson 2: Redundancy Strategies
  • Lesson 3: Physical Security

Module 8: Explain Vulnerability Management

  • Lesson 1: Device and OS Vulnerabilities
  • Lesson 2: Application and Cloud Vulnerabilities
  • Lesson 3: Vulnerability Identification Methods
  • Lesson 4: Vulnerability Analysis and Remediation

Module 9: Evaluate Network Security Capabilities

  • Lesson 1: Network Security Baselines
  • Lesson 2: Network Security Capability Enhancement

Module 10: Assess Endpoint Security Capabilities

  • Lesson 1: Implement Endpoint Security
  • Lesson 2: Mobile Device Hardening

Module 11: Enhance Application Security Capabilities

  • Lesson 1: Application Protocol Security Baselines
  • Lesson 2: Cloud and Web Application Security Concepts

Module 12: Explain Incident Response and Monitoring Concepts

  • Lesson 1: Asset Management
  • Lesson 2: Redundancy Strategies
  • Lesson 3: Physical Security

Module 13: Analyze Indicators of Malicious Activity

  • Lesson 1: Malware Attack Indicators
  • Lesson 2: Physical and Network Attack Indicators
  • Lesson 3: Application Attack Indicators

Module 14: Summarize Security Governance Concepts

  • Lesson 1: Policies, Standards, and Procedures
  • Lesson 2: Change Management
  • Lesson 3: Automation and Orchestration

Module 15: Explain Risk Management Processes

  • Lesson 1: Risk Management Processes and Concepts
  • Lesson 2: Vendor Management Concepts
  • Lesson 3: Audits and Assessments

Module 16: Summarize Data Protection and Compliance

  • Lesson 1: Data Classification and Compliance
  • Lesson 2: Personnel Policies

Average Rating: 4.5 stars (5) see all reviews

4 stars Well taught
12/16/2016 9:01:20 AM - Nathan - Clearwater, FL US

Class was good and well taught.

5 stars Good experience
8/12/2016 9:08:18 AM - Steve - Clearwater, FL US

Good experience

4 stars Too much focus on Microsoft technologies
8/12/2016 9:05:36 AM - Abdel - Clearwater, FL US

Some technical inaccuracies. Overuse of analogies that are too simplistic, not relevant, not technical. Too much focus on Microsoft technologies and a bias towards them. The issue is that most of security tools used in the real world are not Windows based. Some important concepts were glossed over while other unimportant ones were talked about in length.

5 stars Instructor did an excellent job!
8/12/2016 9:02:00 AM - Pat - Clearwater, FL US

The trainer did a very good job of presenting and applying real world situations to the material.

5 stars Clear, Concise
8/12/2016 9:00:27 AM - Bruce - Clearwater, FL US

Chris delivered the content in a very clear and concise way.

see all reviews

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